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The War Regulations of the 15th November, , as amended from time to time, prescribe that no person over the age of fifteen years shall leave New Zealand for any place beyond the seas save in pursuance of a written permit issued to him by the Minister or Under-Secretary of Internal Affairs, or some other authorized person.


The only persons exempted from the necessity for obtaining permits are those who—. Leave New Zealand as bona fide members of the crew of any ship:.

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Arrive in and leave New Zealand in the course of the same voyage of any ship other than a ship arriving from a port in the Commonwealth of Australia. The amendments made in November, , to the Defence of the Realm Regulations of the Imperial Government, providing that no person shall enter or leave the United Kingdom without a passport, have led to a greatly increased number being issued in New Zealand.

A person leaving New Zealand for the United Kingdom or other country with the exception of British possessions in the Pacific, for which permits suffice must therefore have in his possession 1 a permit under the War Regulations to enable him to depart from the Dominion, 2 a passport to enable him to land at the end of his journey. Between the 1st November, , and the 31st March, , passports were issued to the number of 3,, for the year ended 31st March, , 1,, and for the year ended 31st March, , 4, Under the War Regulations of the 21st August, , no person over the age of fifteen years may land in New Zealand unless in possession of a passport or some other document satisfactorily establishing his or her nationality or identity.

Certain exceptions are made with respect to persons coming to New Zealand from Australia, the Cook Islands, and Samoa. In their case the only requirement is the possession of a permit. The regulations further do not apply to a British subject arriving in New Zealand as the master or a member of the crew of the vessel in which he arrives. The Minister of Internal Affairs or any person authorized by him is given power to grant exemptions from the requirements of the regulation.

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Residents in the Dominion may, by application on the proper form, secure a passage at assisted rates for any person residing in the United Kingdom. The passage-money, which must be paid in full before passages are booked, can be paid to the Immigration Department in Wellington or to the High Commissioner for New Zealand in London. Domestic servants and farm labourers granted assisted passages as such are required to follow in New Zealand their respective occupations of domestic and farm work for a period of one year after their arrival in the Dominion.

If it is found that some occupation other than domestic or farm work is entered into by any such assisted immigrant before the expiration of one year after arrival in New Zealand, the immigrant will be called upon to pay the Government the difference between the assisted rate and the full fare. Children between three and twelve years of age travelling with their parents are charged half rates. One child under three years of age in each family is taken free. A quarter-fare is charged for each additional child under three years of age. Unhealthy persons should not be nominated, as passages at reduced rates will not be granted to them.

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When cases of lung, chest, or other like complaints are discovered in any member of a family by the Medical Officer at London or Liverpool, the whole family will be prevented from sailing. The foregoing applies to persons of not more than fifty years of age in the case of nominated persons and farmers or farm labourers, and not more than forty years of age in the case of domestic servants. In the case of immigrants under twenty-one years of age, special arrangements have to be entered into for their protection on the voyage where deemed necessary or advisable.

The High Commissioner is authorized to grant to suitable and healthy farmers, farm labourers, and domestic servants, who apply to him in London, a passage to New Zealand at the following rates:—. The following table illustrates the progress of the last decade:—. On arrival in New Zealand the immigrants are met on board by officers of the Immigration Department who accompany the Port Health Officer to the ship. Arrangements are made for safety and transhipment of luggage. Each immigrant is seen as he passes towards the doctor for examination, and is handed an official letter containing information as to where his ticket will be arranged for, and the place and time of departure of his connecting train or boat if any.

The immigrant is also requested to see the Immigration Officer on board, or to come to the office, which is near the wharf in Wellington Union Steamship Company's building , if he requires information or advice beyond what is given in the letter.


The addresses of the district agencies of the Labour Department in the larger centres of the Dominion are also supplied to male assisted immigrants. It is the practice of the Department to send out advices, by wire if necessary, to friends and relatives of immigrants about to arrive, and to get back information as to where the newcomers will be met. Information of this nature is much appreciated, especially by wives joining their husbands. Assisted immigrants requiring work are referred to the office of the Immigration Department, and their cases are there dealt with.

As regards the female assisted domestic workers, who are chosen after application at Home to the High Commissioner, and who are sent to New Zealand under the supervision of one or more responsible matrons, the following applies:—. The Government advertises the fact that the books of the Department are open to record the names of those people in the Dominion desirous of securing the services of an assisted girl.

Such advertisements bring into the office many applications, especially pending the arrival of the ship. Each matron in charge on board is instructed to classify the girls under two heads: a those with work already arranged or friends to go to; b those without either friends or work. Arrangements are made for sending to their destinations those girls who are going to friends or to definite positions. Those requiring accommodation are directed to homes or hostels approved by the Minister of Immigration for this purpose.

The Superintendent then separately considers the case of each girl, and arranges to place her with an applicant for a Government assisted girl.

In placing these girls at present, considerable reliance has necessarily to be placed on the statements made by them. The Department is, however, taking steps to get full and independent details of the work that the girl was actually engaged in before she left the Mother-country. After a girl has been placed, the Department endeavours to keep in touch with her by correspondence. The legislation respecting the restriction of immigration into New Zealand is contained in the Immigration Restriction Act, , and its amendments, and the Undesirable Immigrants Exclusion Act, The following persons or classes of persons are prohibited from landing in New Zealand:—.

Persons not of British birth and parentage who are unable to write out and sign in any European language a prescribed form of application;. Persons suffering from contagious diseases which are loathsome or dangerous;. Persons arriving in New Zealand within two years after the termination of a period of imprisonment for a serious offence.

The above provisions do not apply to a His Majesty's land and sea forces, b the officers and crew of any ship of war of any Government, c persons duly accredited to the Government of New Zealand by the Imperial or any other Government, d shipwrecked persons, e the officers and crew of any mercantile vessel who leave New Zealand with that vessel, f persons exempted by the Governor-General in Council or by the Minister of Internal Affairs. The officers and crews of any ship of war of the Chinese Government, and members of the crew of any mercantile vessel who leave New Zealand by that vessel, are exempted from these provisions.

There is power to exempt any other persons or classes of persons under such conditions as the Minister of Customs may prescribe. Persons who have at any time been subjects of the State of Germany or of Austria-Hungary as those States existed on the 4th August, , except under a license issued by the Attorney-General. Persons not permanently resident in New Zealand who are disaffected or disloyal and of such a character that their presence in New Zealand would be injurious to the peace, order, and good government of the Dominion, and whom the Attorney-General on that account prohibits from landing.

His Majesty's land and sea forces, persons brought to New Zealand either wholly or partly at the expense of the Government, shipwrecked mariners brought to New Zealand by another vessel without charge, and persons domiciled in New Zealand are exempted from these provisions. General power is given to exempt other persons in special cases and under such conditions as the Minister of Customs may prescribe. Of the race aliens arriving in New Zealand a large proportion are Chinese, some of whom, however, have been formerly resident in the Dominion.

Hindus and other natives of India are also of late years arriving in considerable numbers. A number of soldiers from the French Pacific islands are included in the figures for , , and Since July, , records of departures of race aliens have been kept, and these show that a total of race aliens left the Dominion during , including natives of the following countries: China, ; India, 18; Japan, 4; British Pacific islands, 36; foreign Pacific islands, The census returns of showed that there were 3, race aliens resident in the Dominion, not including 3, Maori half-castes living as Europeans.

Of these, 2, were described as being of full-blood and as of half-blood. More than 45 per cent, of the race aliens reside in Auckland Province. Wellington, however, claims the largest share over one-third of the Chinese. At the census of , the year in which taxation was first imposed on Chinese landing in New Zealand, the Chinese population numbered 5, persons.

According to the census of , the Chinese population was 2,, in it was 2,, in , 2,, and in 2,, of whom were half-castes. During recent years departures are about equal to arrivals. For the first nine months of , however, arrivals exceeded departures by the large total of When any alien residing in New Zealand desires to be naturalized he may present to the Governor-General a memorial signed and verified by a statutory declaration setting forth—.

The length of his residence in New Zealand, and his desire to settle therein;. Every memorial must have written upon it or attached to it a certificate signed by some Magistrate or Justice to the effect that the applicant is known to the person certifying and is of good repute. On taking the oath of allegiance he shall enjoy within New Zealand all the rights and capacities that a natural-born subject of the United Kingdom can enjoy or transmit, excepting such rights if any as are specially excepted in the letters of naturalization granted to him.

Any person who has been previously naturalized in the United Kingdom or any British possession may obtain letters of naturalization in New Zealand upon presentation of his certificate or letters to the Governor-General, with satisfactory evidence of his bona fides. An alien woman married to a natural-born or naturalized British subject shall be deemed to be herself naturalized. Where the father or the mother, being a widow has become naturalized in New Zealand, every child of such father or mother who during minority resides with such parent shall also be deemed to be naturalized.

The issue of letters of naturalization, which was suspended during the war, was resumed during November, , in regard to aliens from countries which, in the recent war, were either neutral or allied with Great Britain. The Revocation of Naturalization Act of provided that the Governor-General may, by Order in Council, revoke the naturalization of any person when such revocation is considered desirable on grounds of public policy.

The number of natives of each country naturalized during the twenty years — is shown in the next table. The Registration of Aliens Act passed in provided for the registration of all persons of the age of fifteen or over who are not British subjects either by birth or by naturalization in New Zealand. The Government Statistician is charged with the duty of compiling and keeping the register, but the actual registration is effected by Registration Officers mostly police officers throughout the Dominion.

Every alien not less than fifteen years of age is required to make application for registration to a Registration Officer, and is required to supply the following particulars concerning himself or herself:—.

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Nationality and if nationality is not the nationality of origin, nationality of origin :. If married, the name, age, nationality of origin, and place of abode of wife or husband:. If married, a widower, a widow, or divorced, number, names, and ages of children if any :. If not permanently resident in New Zealand, place of permanent residence, and date of projected departure from New Zealand:. Such other particulars as may from time to time be prescribed by regulations under the Act.

Upon receipt of an application for registration the Registration Officer issues a certificate of registration, and forwards the application in duplicate to the Superintendent of Police for the district, who files one copy and sends the other on to the Commissioner of Police for transmission to the Government Statistician. The number of aliens on the Dominion register in April, , was 8, The birthplaces of these are as follows:—. A summary giving information as to ages follows:—.

The number of persons excluding Maoris to a square mile in each provincial district at the last eight censuses is as follows:—. These contain approximately the whole population of European descent, the Cook and other annexed islands being inhabited almost solely by coloured Natives.

The population of the two Islands at successive censuses is given in the table following, together with the percentage that each Island bears to the total:—. The figures for are not quite fair to the South Island. The presence of the camps in the North Island had the further effect of temporarily attracting people from the other Island for business purposes, or to be near soldier friends and relatives. The troops abroad on census night 42, in number may be regarded as having come from the two Islands in proportions approximately relative to population.

The populations of the various provincial districts as estimated at the 31st December, , are as follows:—. The counties contain what is understood to be the rural population, but this is not strictly correct, as some of the towns not municipalized and forming part of counties have considerable populations. On the other hand, the population of a few of the smaller boroughs might be classed as rural, as will be noticed further on. The estimated distribution of population at 31st December, exclusive of Maoris , was as follows:—.

A list is given below showing counties and their population exclusive of interior boroughs and independent town districts as estimated at the 31st December, , with amendments where necessary on account of subsequent alterations of boundaries. Maoris are not, unless expressly stated to the contrary, included in any population figures quoted in this section. The next table shows the distribution of the population in counties and boroughs at each quinquennial census since —.

Prior to the year there was no statutory limitation to the number of inhabitants necessary to constitute a borough, and consequently many small centres, the residents being mainly engaged in rural occupations, became municipalities. The Municipal Corporations Act now imposes a limit as to area, and provides that no new borough may be constituted unless the proposed area contains at least 1, inhabitants.