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As he sees it, his role is to be a kind of provocateur -- someone who brings a sense of fun to the world, but also criticizes the system.

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A showman, who doesn't mind making a fool of himself. But, as The Wizard tells it, there were plenty of people against him. The academics in Sydney didn't like what he was doing "academics don't like silly, fun things," he says so he headed to the University of Melbourne, where he claims he led his own cosmology department.

The university, however, says that is an "aggrandizement" of what he was doing -- according to them, he was not employed by the university, although he was associated with the student union. When he became a wizard, he said he lost all his friends and his wife left him -- he says he turned her throwing him out of the house into a ritual by inviting friends to come, too. She's still furious. So in , he moved to Christchurch, New Zealand. And it was there that his wizarding path really took off. While many inner-city buildings are still in disrepair from the earthquake that devastated the city and killed people, some of its Gothic-revival architecture remains, and there's a distinctly British feel to the built environment.

When low-lying fog rolls through the city, clinging to the gray stone buildings and colonial-era statues, it has the effect of conjuring a scene out of a British crime series, or low-budget horror movie.

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The Wizard after the Christchurch Square reopened to the public in following a deadly earthquake in When The Wizard arrived in Christchurch in the s, he saw the city as the "romantic dream," a beautiful place far from the rest of the world which was unlikely to become a hub for economic development.

Once there, he became a mainstay in Cathedral Square, where he stood on a ladder and dressed in a variety of outfits, including in a loin cloth as John the Baptist. He praised the British Empire and criticized what he calls "anti-male sexism. At first, the council wasn't taken with him, according to The Wizard. They initially refused to appoint him the city's official wizard and wouldn't grant him the written permission he needed to speak in the square under Christchurch bylaws.

So The Wizard played "silly games with the council" -- he wore a gas mask and spoke in French, hoping to evade the rules. In , the New Zealand Art Gallery Directors Association said he had become a living work of art -- the Auckland City Art Gallery document described the work's medium as "artist's corporeal substance" and its value as "priceless.

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In , Waimate -- a town not far from Christchurch -- was in the grips of a drought. The organizers of a local agriculture fair invited him to perform a rain dance, and, according to The Wizard, rain fell only a few hours after he began beating his drum. In , then New Zealand Prime Minister Mike Moore wrote him a letter on the official prime ministerial letterhead, suggesting that he should "urgently consider my suggestion that you become the Wizard of New Zealand, Antarctica and relevant offshore areas.

Eight years later came perhaps the biggest validation of his status to date -- and an amazing about-turn. Saurons polocy is pretty strict. Here here. A tip to all those disagreeing, to talk to someone, simply ask them questions about themselves, and generalize more as the conversation unfolds. Specifically questions that you think will have a positive reaction or feeling to go with the awnser. You can change someone's mood by changing their focus.

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So if someone is not in the mood and you ask them about an event or subject they are proud of or get joy from, such as work, study, a holiday, a friend, pet, or family member, etc, you will completely change their mindset as their focus changes. It can make someone feel great and they'll see talking to you makes them feel great and want to do it more. It's more of a psychological trick than anything by using the power of focus.

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We dated, thinks were going well. Then when it came to the bedroom, I was unaware she was a virgin.

So I was really gentle and nice our first time, she said it was a good experience etc. This is where it got interesting, we kept dating for a couple of months, but then I kind of felt overwhelmed. Like, she seemed a bit too clingy and I felt like I was her whole world type of thing.

I explained my reasoning pretty clearly and emphatically. She cried, but in the end understood and left. Then she started going to my mates house and dropping like baking and other treats, and asking him to give them to me. I felt mean, but I ignored this, I just let it happen until she kind of just stopped.

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Here comes the most crazy part of the Story, we had kind of planned a holiday over to Brisbane earlier on in our relationship for Stereosonic which was pretty big back in But my wider group of mates had also bought tickets too. So I was still going with them. Me, the boys and some of their ladies are getting ready to fly out to Brissy.

Fast forward to boarding the plane, my ex is on the same flight, sitting like 2 rows away from me. But fortunately, I never actually confirmed the bookings for both of us. Totally understandable for her to head out there if the flight tickets were already paid for. And the hotel thing, just a coincidence? Or already paid for as well? I dunno maybe I'm a softie, but the whole avoiding eye contact thing on your part seems a little rough, could have at least said hi to the girl and asked how she was doing. Yeah, but the thing is, when we were at the airport we were sitting there having a drink waiting to board.

She just stormed past me without making eye contact. The whole situation was pretty fucked. It's funny that you make out like she was the emotionally unbalanced one in the relationship. You both organised the holiday, but after you guys broke up you act like only you were allowed to go on that holiday, and now she's the crazy one for wanting to go independent of you. You could have cancelled as well or changed your accommodation. Instead you are worried about making eye contact all through the flight and immigration.

Baked goods are pretty lightweight in the post-breakup affection slinging, unless those baked goods have your face painted on them or some shit. As I said, me and my friends booked a holiday as a group. And paid for it as a group. Why go through all of that? It was , so I think it was one of the last times they held the festival. It was a good time man, I went real hard on day 1 and ended up not having anything left in the tank when it came to day 2. Overall it was a good experience, it sucks how they had to can it.

Hopefully it comes back one day. My mate thought it would be funny to let my new gf know that she was there by tagging my ex in a fb post with all of us. Haven't used it much myself, but my mum found her partner with it so that's pretty cool. They're moving in together this winter so there must be a few success storys to come out of the app. Met a couple of now ex gfs on Tinder. Definitely worth it, but you've got to have good pics. Going through the process while not letting yourself get excited about any potential dates is actually quite draining.

There's a whole lot of crazy going on on Tinder because it's fertile ground for the cluster B's who need to constantly find fresh meat to chew up and spit out. It's best if you can just use it for one night stands, I just wasn't particularly good at that. Thanks : I'm just not great at holding conversations or getting the ball rolling really more of a introspective guy which makes meeting people quite difficult. That said my past experiences with tinder have kind of put me off anyway.

Meeting your date and their multiple personalities all at once is surprisingly confronting. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Hononga Link. Tuhinga Text.