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Read More Have an upcoming project? This functions alongside legal harmonisation to recognise these digital documents. As an important global trade and finance hub, Singapore has been at the forefront of trade digitalisation, partnering with various international organisations, governments and industry players to boost cross-border trade. Singapore is working with various partners internationally to develop an interoperability framework, TradeTrust, for the seamless and efficient exchange of digitalised trade documentation across different communities.

We are pleased to partner with SWIFT to further develop a trusted, interoperable and global digital trade ecosystem. Earlier this year, IMDA signed a cooperation agreement with the International Chamber of Commerce ICC and 17 multinational firms to move from existing paper-based processes to digitally enabled ones. San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora said the learning gadgets will help public school students continue their education amid the disruption in the education system brought by the COVID pandemic.

The A List

He noted that the gadgets are a big help since face-to-face learning is currently suspended and online learning is the alternative method of education at present. The ceremonial signing took place during the launching of 64 free Wi-Fi live sites in 16 locations in Zambales on 29 September. These sites have been accessible to the public since August this year. At present, government offices, hospitals, state universities, and local colleges, among others, benefit from existing free Wi-Fi sites in the province. It is expected that with the new MOA, more public institutions will be provided with free internet.

As a part of the activities to celebrate the 75 th Traditional Day of the Vietnamese Meteorological and Hydrological Sector, a workshop was held on hydro-meteorological monitoring technology for the forecasting and warning of natural disasters. The event happened on 2 October and also discussed information consultation on meteorology and hydrology for disaster risk disclosure.

Speaking at the workshop, Prof.

Tran Hong Thai, Director General of the Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration said that since its establishment, the Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Sector has made significant contributions to socio-economic development, defence, and security, and especially disaster prevention and control. The modernisation of hydrometeorology monitoring, broadcasting, and forecasting is the top priority of the meteorological and hydrological sector, especially the application of Industry 4.

Properly assessing natural disaster risks will contribute to reducing damage. The workshop also aimed to create a forum for scientists from research institutes, universities, enterprises, and units under the Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration to exchange and share scientific and technological information.

Also, to enable participants to propose research directions and possible applications of modern technologies in hydrometeorology monitoring, transmission, forecasting, and warning. As OpenGov Asia reported in September, the pandemic has been the top priority for almost every nation across the globe, and while dealing with the pandemic, many governments have also had to tackle national natural disasters and severe weather incidents.

In the first half of , Asia experienced earthquakes, floods, landslides, volcanoes, typhoons, and bushfires, all while dealing with the pandemic. Domestic and international experts at the event discussed preparations for the use of COVID vaccines in the world and Vietnam, aimed at assisting the country in implementing a national strategic plan as soon as the COVID vaccine becomes available. Manufacturers, research institutions, and countries are making it their top priority to develop a possible vaccine against COVID that can be supplied to the market as soon as possible to help control the epidemic and bring back a normal life.

According to the World Health Organisation, as of 24 September, COVID candidate vaccines are undergoing research worldwide, of which 38 are undergoing clinical trials, while others are in pre-clinical research.

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Critical event management has come to the fore with the pandemic. Forecasting, planning and management of critical events help organisations and authorities prevent disruption of life and damage to property. Governments rely on several, specific systems for critical event management. Such programmes are essential to national well-being especially with the increase in natural disasters. But, more often than not, they operate in isolation of each other.

According to world experts in Critical Event Management — Everbridge, this siloed approach can create duplication in information and processes, data contradictions and, when unchecked, could lead to loss of life and damages. They provide richer intelligence and correlating threats with locations of assets and people ensuring more rapid and comprehensive incident assessment and remediation. With the pandemic forecast to be around for some time, planning responses to adverse events must continue alongside COVID management.

In light of this, it is expedient for governments to re-look at their systems, tools, processes and platforms they have in place to manage critical events. Under the convention, WA will host , antennas and South Africa dishes — together making the telescope that will allow astronomers to view the cosmos in more detail than ever before. Just over a decade ago, there were only a handful of astronomers working in WA and now there are around astronomers, 25 engineers and 25 data scientists working in WA on the SKA project and in astronomical research, with more to come.

The project is expected to move into the construction phase in mid And in a second first for Australia, only an hour and 40 minutes later at am a second space capable launch was safely completed. At just 3. This successful launch makes a great start for the DART vehicle with rocket manufacturer T-Minus Engineering keen on getting more rockets off the ground in Australia and around the World.

The Minister for Defence noted that space is an increasingly important domain. The rocket will carry a prototype radio frequency receiver unit designed for Air Force. The payload, carried on a DART rocket, provides a stepping stone for Air Force to explore how advanced rapidly deployable networked sensors can be employed to provide information across Defence networks. The DART rocket launch is a partnership between government and industry, demonstrating future opportunities for both commercial and government applications.

How did Sally come about? It started with a phone call on April 1st. They wanted to know if GovTech could develop an app that would digitalise the nationwide reusable mask distribution exercise. When was the distribution exercise going to start? April 5th came the reply. In the span of four days, GovTech engineers repurposed and refined an existing application into SupplyAlly. We had to develop an app that was designed with a low barrier to entry for users, as we did not know how many people were involved in distributing masks. We also developed a form of authorisation and authentication that was scalable with the size of the volunteer efforts.

Given the time constraints, speed was a major consideration — what are the essential steps for using this app, and what is the most basic way of verifying identities? These were key concerns for the team as we worked round the clock to meet the deadline. To date, 4. Once we saw how successful Sally was after the mask distribution, we realised that there was great potential for Sally to support charitable efforts in Singapore.

During the Circuit Breaker period, home-based learning was implemented but some children could not participate as they lacked access to internet laptops. More recently, we engaged Food from the Heart, a charitable organisation and gave out hot meals to the elderly and other service users around the Mountbatten area. Sally vastly simplified the process of tracking and recording items distributed, ensuring equitable distribution of essentials for individuals and households. By utilising cloud technologies on our Government Commercial Cloud framework, Sally is able to run different distribution campaigns simultaneously with the use of unique QR codes at an effective cost model.

In addition, by staying true to our DNA, we are able to significantly lower the lead time required to roll out new campaigns by leveraging on reusable components. They are focused on outcomes that lead to positive impact, new jobs and economic growth, in this case ensuring the country can maintain and manage water quality. Natural events such as toxic algal blooms, the contamination of drinking water, and excess runoff from irrigation all present a significant influence on the health of our inland and coastal waters.

While data gathered from space provides critical insights into water quality, currently available Earth observation satellites only provide per cent coverage for major Australian water bodies. The CEO of the local supplier stated that the AquaWatch scoping phase will include assessing the current range of water quality monitoring programs across Australia and identifying opportunities to drive efficiencies, advancements and adoption of new space technology to safeguard our water resources. These sensors would work together with purpose-designed Earth observation satellites to deliver real-time updates, predictive analytics and forecast warnings to water managers.

In addition to monitoring the health of inland rivers, dams and waterways, the project aims to grow the industry and create new job opportunities across the environmental data services sector, primary industry and agriculture and support drought resilience efforts. Partnerships with international partners will also be explored. The project has great potential to deliver two-fold benefits of improving water quality management as well as creating new skills and job opportunities in Australia across a range of industries.

The aim is to work directly with water agencies, community leaders and industry to better understand the challenges faced in water health monitoring. The government is now working with project partners to analyse the core elements required to establish an integrated space infrastructure network and create the domestic technical capability to build it.

AquaWatch also has the potential to monitor coastal wetlands, aquaculture farms, riparian vegetation and terrestrial biodiversity, mine sites, mangroves and coral reef environments. This will help inform the development of future local advanced manufacturing opportunities, water modelling and Earth observation data analysis and applications. About Us Careers Contact Menu.